
Overall Home Away
Played 8 2 6
Won 5 1 4
Lost 3 1 2
Efficiency 62.50 % 50.00 % 66.67 %

Best winning streak of 4 and a worst losing streak of 2.


Date Game Home Player   Away Player
2024-04-02 9  Rory Leggett 1 - 0  Jayden Holmes
2024-04-02 5  Sam Smethurst 1 - 0  Jayden Holmes
2024-04-02 3  Rory Leggett 0 - 1  Jayden Holmes
2024-03-19 10  Karl Summersell 0 - 1  Jayden Holmes
2024-03-19 7  Kenny Smith 0 - 1  Jayden Holmes
2024-03-19 4  Kenny Smith 0 - 1  Jayden Holmes
2024-03-12 8  Jayden Holmes 0 - 1  Calum Corps
2024-03-12 3  Jayden Holmes 1 - 0  Kel Corps


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